We know that there is power in numbers. The more people who are calling for a stop to digital dehumanisation, the more people who champion a treaty on killer robots, the more decision makers will feel the pressure to act.
So join your voice to ours and spread the word: We can stop killer robots. It’s only a matter of time.

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Real Stories
Are you working to prevent digital dehumanisation or creeping automation in society? Are you committed to stopping the automation of killing? Are you dedicated to ensuring technologies don’t entrench or exacerbate existing bias, inequalities, or oppression? Get in touch, share your story with us and be part of our website’s Real Stories - featuring incredible people working against digital dehumanisation and the automation of violence.

Hold a Workshop
We didn’t expect a campaign to Stop Killer Robots to be needed in the world - but it is. All our lives are affected by the growing influence of computer processing and algorithmic thinking. We want a world that rejects the automation of killing and instead, promotes the principle of human control over emerging technologies that affect our lives. The movement to Stop Killer Robots is everyone working to build a society in which technology is developed and used to promote peace, justice, human rights, and equality - not automate killing. Use this guide to hold or plan a workshop digging into these issues with your community, your university, your political representatives, or other interested people, whoever they may be.