When it comes to digital dehumanisation – to weapons systems that will target people – we need ‘less autonomy, more humanity’. We can act now to draw a moral line – to prevent data biases inherent in most technologies from becoming further entrenched or prevalent in conflict, in border control, in policing and more. We have the opportunity to change the course of history. The chance to prevent a new evolution in warfare and automation of state violence.
But to avert a future of autonomous killing it will take all of us, pushing decision makers, together.
Stop Killer Robots is a growing global coalition of civil society organisations working together to prevent digital dehumanisation, build a better society and overcome inequalities and systems of oppression.

But the campaign to Stop Killer Robots isn’t just us, we are part of a shared movement.
This shared movement is part of a global effort to recognise the impact of the technology we create and our responsibility to ensure it is used within limits and with accountability. We are proud to work with scientists, robotocists, activists, political and institutional leaders to counter digital dehumanisation and to stop killer robots.
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Learn more about some of the other individuals and institutions working to ensure meaningful human control over the use of force. #TeamHuman

The story so far

Our member organisations