Stop Killer Robots is a growing global coalition of civil society organisations working together to prevent digital dehumanisation, build a better society and overcome inequalities and systems of oppression. But the campaign to Stop Killer Robots isn’t just us, we are part of a shared movement.
This shared movement is part of a global effort to recognise the impact of the technology we create and our responsibility to ensure it is used within limits and with accountability. This movement is everyone working to build a society in which technology is developed and used to promote peace, justice, human rights, equality and respect for law – not automate killing.

“Imagine the consequences of an autonomous system that could, by itself, target and attack human beings. I call upon States to ban these weapons, which are politically unacceptable and morally repugnant.”António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations
International Committee of the Red Cross

26 Nobel Peace Laureates
Our humanity
3 in 5
people polled in 28 countries in 2020 oppose using lethal autonomous weapons systems.
of poll respondents are concerned that lethal autonomous weapons systems would “cross a moral line because machines should not be allowed to kill.”
of youth surveyed in 10 countries believe that autonomous weapons would “threaten peace, security, and democracy for future generations.”

"You cannot lead from behind"

The problems with killer robots
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