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Membership application

If you have questions about this form, contact [email protected].

Applicant information

Organisation type*
Please list member organizations if you are applying on behalf of a coalition or network.

Primary Contact Information

Name of the main contact person or liaison.
Internal email list sign-up*
Please select all the apply.

Alternate Contact Information

Name of the alternate contact person or liaison.
Internal email list sign-up
Please select all the apply.


Describe your organisation, your motivations for joining Stop Killer Robots, and how you would like to contribute to the work of the coalition.


By submitting this application to join Stop Killer Robots, I confirm that my organisation understands, endorses, and commits to support work to prohibit the targeting of humans by machines, and regulate autonomous weapons to retain meaningful human control over the use of force.*
By submitting this application to join Stop Killer Robots, I confirm that my organisation I confirm that my organization has read and agrees to follow the Stop Killer Robots Membership Agreement and Code of Conduct.*
Type your name to sign.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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Stop killer robots

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